Return to Giles with The Midsummer Murders

It’s true! I’ve finally gotten myself back in gear and am hard at work with a firm delivery date. I’m sorry it took so long. But life happens, and you just gotta roll with it. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it 🙂
With the book now on preorder (check out the Books page for the link for your country’s store), it will be out at the latest on March 31st, 2020. It might release sooner, but I’m not making any promises. There is still editing, proofreading, and beta reader input before that can be accomplished. I like to make sure that each book is thoroughly ready to go before I click publish, because you guys deserve the very best I can give you. Here’s hoping I succeed with this one.
So,what can you expect, you ask?
You’ll see a softer to side to Chief Karl Denton, which I loved exploring. You’ll also get another Twink-heavy story that I think you will love. I hope my favorite teenage witch is also yours!
And don’t worry–Natalie is as prickly as always…at least on the outside.
And me? I’m doing well! I am now exactly two years, two months, eight days, twenty-one hours, and 11 minutes away from retirement from the pesky paying job. And you know what that means? Lots and lots of time to write all the books that are sitting around in my head, biding their time. Oh, do I have plans…
As always, feel free to drop me a line from the contact form on the home page with your questions, faint praise, or recipes for disaster. I would love to hear from you.
Jill Nojack
That woman would do anything to get out of writing…
With an entire week of distraction-free writing lined up for this week, there was no way I wasn’t going to have a finished a first draft of The Midsummer Murders (Maid, Mother and Crone Series, Book Three) in my hand by now. Last Thursday, I was only a few long days away from finishing the book, and my vacation from the pesky paying job to push myself across the finish line started on Saturday. It was gonna be sweet!
Nope. Ended up in the hospital on Friday with a serious abdominal malfunction. Survived it, though, so there’s that. I’m calling it a win.
Sadly, I didn’t get any writing done for the five days I lay on my back in a hospital bed. I could have. The laptop was there. After the first couple of days, I felt well enough physically. It would have been a nice distraction. But my creativity was completed sapped. I lazed around catching up on all the stuff in my Acorn TV queue instead.
However, I did collect some excellent anecdotes during my stay that will be AMAZING for Natalie’s experience when she is hospitalized in the final book. Never say I don’t do my research, nosirree bob. I had some excellent could-be-paranormal-if-you-want-to-believe experiences while there that I’m already designing scenes around.
But never fear, dears, Natalie is way too tough to stay down for the count for long. As am I!
I did rough out the first book of the Grace Stone Paranormal Mystery Series in my head while I was there, so it wasn’t entirely time wasted. That series is going to be darker than my other books based on how it’s shaping up, but I’m pretty excited about it. Then again, The Familiar was supposed to be a dark book, and look what happened there.
And I do have another week of vacation and absolutely no excuse for not writing since I’m back home now. Feel free to beam good thoughts at me to keep me focused.
Jill Nojack